Medical Product Development & ISO 13485 Electronics Manufacturing4e Technology medical electronics manufacturing Plasma medical unit

PlasmaJetTM is an innovative device used to coagulate bleeding tissue during surgery. The technology uses a jet of argon plasma (yes it really is rocket science!!) to provide fast and precise control of bleeding, leaving a wound sealed.  It is used during both conventional and keyhole surgery, greatly reducing the risk and duration of complex procedures and can minimize costs by reducing the patient’s stay in hospital.

As PlasmaJetTM moved into production to meet world-wide demand, 4E worked closely with Plasma Surgical offering supported manufacture.  The sheer nature of the unit’s design is so complex, with so many components that it will continue to need support throughout its life, with upgrade requirements, repairs and design changes to overcome component obsolescence issues.

The result of Plasma Surgical and 4E’s collaborative electronics work is a ground-breaking product that is making waves in the medical industry. The PlasmaJetTM was considered one of the most ground-breaking products when it was launched in 2003 in America and 4E are proud to have contributed to its success.

4E continue to nurture the development of this design and ensure an uninterrupted manufacturing supply of this very exciting product.

Key Services Supplied to this Case Study:


From design conception, through to product end of life management 4E can help support your product.


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