Reshoring Revolution : The Return of UK Manufacturing

UK Manufacturing map electronic components across the uk

Over the past decade, the winds of change have been blowing across the UK manufacturing sector. A notable shift towards reshoring has changed industry trends. Read on about the drivers behind the reshoring revolution which is holding the UK’s flag high for the electronics manufacturing industry. Economic Considerations The global economic landscape has seen dramatic […]

Choosing The Right Electronics Manufacturer

Electronics manufacturer box-build assembly screwing populated pcb into assembly

Selecting an new electronics manufacturer can be a daunting prospect.  What brings you to this point?  Are you releasing a new product and its your first time finding a manufacturing partner?   Has your old manufacturer stopped providing you with the services you were used to? Whichever road brings you to this point there is no […]

Your Fight Against Counterfeit Components – The 3 T’s

Quality inspection of surface mount populated PCB

The idea that counterfeit components may end up in your supply chain is a nightmare scenario, never a good moment for both initial supplier, manufacturer or end client. A single counterfeit part can have a devastating impact. Causing unreliable performance of product, delays in your supply chain and ultimately unhappy end users. When producing products […]

Partnering With The Right CEM Lets You Focus On What You Do Well!

In a world of increasing choices and diversity, the decision to find a new supplier can often be a daunting one. Anyone involved with procurement will be familiar with the daily (or hourly) routine of taking sales calls from suppliers that are all competing against each other in a saturated marketplace. A quick internet search on ‘PCB […]

Repurpose, Reuse & Recycle Your Electronics Design – Reverse Engineering.

To quote the Ellen Macarthur Foundation “Our way of doing things is reaching its limits. We take resources from the ground to make products, which we use, and, when we no longer want them, throw them away. Take-make-waste. We call this a linear economy. We must transform all the elements of the take-make-waste system: how […]

The True Costs of Cheap Offshore Manufacturing – Why UK companies should now consider reshoring in the wake of Covid-19

Reshoring UK Electronics Manufacturing

If you had asked SME owners in October 2019 what the challenges to their supply chains were likely to be going into 2020, I suspect very few of them would have considered a global pandemic originating from the other side of the world. Covid-19 has disrupted global supply chains in a hitherto unprecedented fashion. It […]

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